Monday, March 15, 2010

i gave my schpeel....

...even tho i don't HAVE a schpeel!! My daughter's old parochial grade school asked me to come talk because they were having an Art theme for their Education week. I will admit i was a bit nervous, even tho they are just little kids. Nervous mainly because i dont have a speech or much of a prepared Art Story to tell. But i walked them thru how i decided to become an artist, and such :) it was a lot of fun, and the cutest thing ever was the kids wanted me to sign the back of the little painting copies i gave them. awwww how cute was that? I wish i would have gotten a picture with the kids lined up in front of my little display :) Friday i even got to judge their art fair... WOW it was way more challenging than i thought. I wanted to be super fair, and i didn't write ANY negative remarks... just good stuff. I wanted them to be encouraged :) it was really fun.